No Matches
Files | Namespaces | Data Structures

This module encompass the definition of so-called Parameters, which are objects for which values at quadrature points might be queried. More...

Collaboration diagram for Parameter:


file  Exception.hpp
file  Init3DCompoundParameterFromInputData.hpp
file  InitParameterFromInputData.hpp
file  Alias.hpp
file  ParameterAtDof.hpp
file  ParameterInstance.hpp
file  Parameter.hpp
file  ParameterAtDof.hpp
file  ParameterAtQuadraturePoint.hpp
file  AtDof.hpp
file  AtDof.hpp
file  AtQuadraturePoint.hpp
file  AtQuadraturePoint.hpp
file  Constant.hpp
file  PiecewiseConstantByDomain.hpp
file  Helper.hpp
file  PiecewiseConstantByDomain.hpp
file  SpatialFunction.hpp
file  Alias.hpp
file  ApplyTimeFactor.hpp
file  InitStoredQuantity.hpp
file  None.hpp
file  FromFile.hpp
file  Functor.hpp
file  TimeDependency.hpp


namespace  MoReFEM
 Main MoReFEM namespace.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS
 Namespace for MoReFEM exceptions.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::PiecewiseConstantByDomainNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for developers of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::AtQuadraturePointNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::PiecewiseConstantByDomainNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::Policy
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::Policy::AtDofNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ParameterNS
 Namespace that enclose stuff related to Parameter.
namespace  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::Policy
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::PolicyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.

Data Structures

class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::InconsistentVectorDimension
 Thrown when the dimension of a vectorial Parameter doesn't match the content. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::InconsistentVectorDimensionForDomain
 Thrown when the dimension of a vectorial Parameter doesn't match the content. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::NoLuaFunctionForVectorialOrMatricial
 Thrown when a Lua function parameter is attempted for a non scalar Parameter. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::InvalidMatrixDimensionInOptionFile
 Thrown when the vector representing the dimension of a matrix in option file doesn't include exactly two elements. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::InconsistentMatrixDimension
 Thrown when the dimension of a vectorial Parameter doesn't match the content. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::InconsistentMatrixDimensionForDomain
 Thrown when the dimension of a matricial Parameter doesn't match the content. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::PartialIgnoredCompound
 Thrown when a 3D Compound Parameter features "ignore" only for some components. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::ParameterAtDofImpl< TypeT, TimeManagerT, TimeDependencyT, NfeltSpaceT >
 Intermediate traits class that provide the type for a parameter defined at dof. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::ParameterInstance< TypeT, NaturePolicyT, TimeManagerT, TimeDependencyT, Args >
 Template class that provides actual instantiation of a parameter. More...
class  MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, LocalCoordsT, TimeManagerT, TimeDependencyT >
 Abstract class used to define a Parameter. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::Policy::AtDof< TypeT, TimeManagerT, NfeltSpaceT >
 Parameter policy when the parameter is expressed at dofs. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::Policy::AtDofNS::FEltSpaceStorage< 1 >
 Specialization when only one underlying FEltSpace. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::Policy::AtDofNS::FEltSpaceStorage< 2 >
 Specialization when there are two underlying FEltSpace. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::Policy::AtDofNS::FEltSpaceStorage< 3 >
 Specialization when there are three underlying FEltSpace. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::Policy::AtQuadraturePoint< TypeT, TimeManagerT >
 Parameter policy when the parameter gets a value at each pair geometric element/quadrature point. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::ParameterNS::AtQuadraturePointNS::ValueHolder< StorageValueTypeT >
 Structure that holds both a value at a quadrature point and the last time it was modified. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::Policy::Constant< TypeT, TimeManagerT >
 Parameter policy when the parameter gets the same value everywhere. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::PiecewiseConstantByDomainNS::InconsistentDomains
 Thrown when a GeometricElt is in two Domain involved in the same Parameter and the associated values are inconsistent. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::PiecewiseConstantByDomainNS::InconsistentLocalVectorShape
 Thrown when theLocalVector associated with different Domains don't share the same shape. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::ParameterNS::PiecewiseConstantByDomainNS::InconsistentLocalMatrixShape
 Thrown when theLocalMatrix associated with different Domains don't share the same shape. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::Policy::PiecewiseConstantByDomain< TypeT, TimeManagerT >
 Parameter policy when the parameter is piecewise constant by domain. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::Policy::SpatialFunction< TypeT, TimeManagerT, CoordsTypeT >
 Parameter policy when the parameter gets a value given by an analytic function provided in the input data file in Lua language. More...
struct  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None< TypeT, TimeManagerT >
 Policy to use when there are no time dependency for the Parameter. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::PolicyNS::FromFile
 Policy of the time dependency based on a file. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::PolicyNS::Functor< FunctorT >
 Policy of the time dependency based on a functor. More...
class  MoReFEM::ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::Base< TypeT, TimeManagerT, TimeDependencyPolicyT >
 Base class when there is a decoupled time dependency (look at TimeDependencyNS::None if there aren't). More...

Detailed Description

This module encompass the definition of so-called Parameters, which are objects for which values at quadrature points might be queried.

There are two distinct categories of Parameter: