No Matches
Files | Namespaces | Data Structures

This module encompass post-processing operations, such as creation of outputs in Ensight format, conversion of a matrix in Freefem ordering, etc... More...

Collaboration diagram for PostProcessing:


file  MatrixConversion.hpp
file  DofInformation.hpp
file  Interface.hpp
file  TimeIteration.hpp
file  UnknownInformation.hpp
file  DofInformationFile.hpp
file  InterfaceFile.hpp
file  TimeIterationFile.hpp
file  UnknownInformationFile.hpp
file  OutputDeformedMesh.hpp
file  Ensight6.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  PostProcessing.hpp
file  Model.hpp
file  RefineMesh.hpp


namespace  MoReFEM
 Main MoReFEM namespace.
namespace  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::FreefemNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::Data
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::OutputFormat
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::RefineMeshNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.

Data Structures

class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::FreefemNS::MatrixConversion
 Convert a matrix in Freefem format. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::Data::DofInformation
 Class which holds the information obtained from one line of dof_information.hhdata output files. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::Data::Interface
 Class which holds the information obtained from one line of interfaces.hhdata output file. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::Data::UnknownInformation
 Class which holds the information obtained from one line of unknowns.hhdata output file. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::DofInformationFile
 Class which holds the information obtained from dof_information.hhdata output files. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::InterfaceFile
 Class which holds the information obtained from interfaces.hhdata output file. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::UnknownInformationFile
 Class which holds the information obtained from one line of unknowns.hhdata output file. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::OutputDeformedMesh
 Generates a deformed mesh from a domain of the mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::OutputFormat::Ensight6
 Generates the output in Ensight 6 format. More...
class  MoReFEM::PostProcessingNS::PostProcessing
 This class is in charge of loading the output files of an MoReFEM simulation and interpret their content, so that output files in any format can be written. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefineMeshNS::Model< MoReFEMDataT >
 Model used to init stuff required for RefineMesh algorithm. More...

Detailed Description

This module encompass post-processing operations, such as creation of outputs in Ensight format, conversion of a matrix in Freefem ordering, etc...