No Matches
Files | Namespaces | Data Structures | Functions

This module encompass purely geometric objects of the code, such as the mesh, geometric elements, domains and so forth. More...

Collaboration diagram for Geometry:


file  Coords.hpp
file  CoordIndexes.hpp
file  Factory.hpp
file  LocalCoords.hpp
file  SpatialPoint.hpp
file  StrongType.hpp
file  Criterion.hpp
file  LightweightDomainList.hpp
file  LightweightDomainListManager.hpp
file  UniqueId.hpp
file  Domain.hpp
file  DomainManager.hpp
file  DomainHelper.hpp
file  MeshLabel.hpp
file  UniqueId.hpp
file  ComputeJacobian.hpp
file  FormatStrongType.hpp
file  FreeFunctions.hpp
file  GeometricEltEnum.hpp
file  GeometricEltFactory.hpp
file  SortingCriterion.hpp
file  TGeometricElt.hpp
file  GeometricElt.hpp
file  Index.hpp
file  FwdForCpp.hpp
file  FwdForHpp.hpp
file  Hexahedron20.hpp
file  Hexahedron27.hpp
file  Hexahedron8.hpp
file  Point1.hpp
file  Quadrangle4.hpp
file  Quadrangle8.hpp
file  Quadrangle9.hpp
file  Segment2.hpp
file  Segment3.hpp
file  Tetrahedron10.hpp
file  Tetrahedron4.hpp
file  Triangle3.hpp
file  Triangle6.hpp
file  GeometricElt.hpp
file  GeometricEltFactory.hpp
file  Register.hpp
file  LocalData.hpp
file  EnumInterface.hpp
file  Specialization.hpp
file  Edge.hpp
file  Face.hpp
file  OrientedEdge.hpp
file  OrientedFace.hpp
file  Vertex.hpp
file  Volume.hpp
file  Interface.hpp
file  BuildInterfaceHelper.hpp
file  BuildInterfaceListHelper.hpp
file  BuildInterfaceHelper.hpp
file  OrderCoordsList.hpp
file  ComputeOrientation.hpp
file  Orientation.hpp
file  Traits.hpp
file  TInterface.hpp
file  LocalInterface.hpp
file  IsOnLocalInterface.hpp
file  StrongType.hpp
file  CoordsMatching.hpp
file  CoordsMatchingManager.hpp
file  DistanceFromMesh.hpp
file  WritePrepartitionedData.hpp
file  ComputeColoring.hpp
file  Format.hpp
file  Coloring.hpp
file  ComputeInterfaceListInMesh.hpp
file  CreateMeshDataDirectory.hpp
file  GeometricEltList.hpp
file  Ensight.hpp
file  Ensight.hpp
file  Format.hpp
file  Format_fwd.hpp
file  Medit.hpp
file  Format.hpp
file  Information.hpp
file  Medit.hpp
file  VTK_PolygonalData.hpp
file  GeometricEltList.hpp
file  MeshManager.hpp
file  PseudoNormalsManager.hpp
file  RefGeomEltAndMeshLabel.hpp
file  Mesh.hpp
file  UniqueId.hpp
file  ComponentIndex.hpp
file  Alias.hpp
file  LocalNode.hpp
file  Concept.hpp
file  EnumTopology.hpp
file  Hexahedron20.hpp
file  Hexahedron27.hpp
file  Hexahedron8.hpp
file  Hexahedron20.hpp
file  Hexahedron27.hpp
file  Hexahedron8.hpp
file  Hexahedron20.hpp
file  Hexahedron27.hpp
file  Hexahedron8.hpp
file  Hexahedron.hpp
file  Hexahedron20.hpp
file  Hexahedron27.hpp
file  Hexahedron8.hpp
file  Point1.hpp
file  Point1.hpp
file  Point1.hpp
file  Point.hpp
file  Point1.hpp
file  Quadrangle4.hpp
file  Quadrangle8.hpp
file  Quadrangle9.hpp
file  Quadrangle4.hpp
file  Quadrangle8.hpp
file  Quadrangle9.hpp
file  Quadrangle4.hpp
file  Quadrangle8.hpp
file  Quadrangle9.hpp
file  Quadrangle.hpp
file  Quadrangle4.hpp
file  Quadrangle8.hpp
file  Quadrangle9.hpp
file  Segment2.hpp
file  Segment3.hpp
file  Segment2.hpp
file  Segment3.hpp
file  Segment2.hpp
file  Segment3.hpp
file  Segment.hpp
file  Segment2.hpp
file  Segment3.hpp
file  Tetrahedron10.hpp
file  Tetrahedron4.hpp
file  Tetrahedron10.hpp
file  Tetrahedron4.hpp
file  Tetrahedron10.hpp
file  Tetrahedron4.hpp
file  Tetrahedron.hpp
file  Tetrahedron10.hpp
file  Tetrahedron4.hpp
file  TopologyCommon.hpp
file  TopologyFwd.hpp
file  Triangle3.hpp
file  Triangle6.hpp
file  Triangle3.hpp
file  Triangle6.hpp
file  Triangle.hpp
file  Triangle3.hpp
file  Triangle6.hpp
file  Triangle3.hpp
file  Triangle6.hpp
file  RefGeomEltImpl.hpp
file  TRefGeomElt.hpp
file  AccessShapeFunction.hpp
file  Alias.hpp
file  ConstantShapeFunction.hpp
file  RefGeomElt.hpp


namespace  MoReFEM
 Main MoReFEM namespace.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for developers of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::CoordsNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::DomainNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::GeomEltNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::InterfaceNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::InterfaceNS::Impl
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::InterfaceNS::Traits
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS
 Namespace that enclose internals related to meshes.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS
 Namespace that enclose internals related to the different file format supported for meshes.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::VTK_PolygonalData
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Medit
 Namespace that enclose internals related to Medit file format.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Ensight
 Namespace that enclose internals related to Medit file format.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ColoringNS
 Namespace that enclose internals related to coloring of a mesh (in which two connected vertices must not share the same color; this is useful for shared memory parallelism).
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::GeomEltNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::TopologyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Concept
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::LocalNodeNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Crtp
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS
 Namespace for MoReFEM exceptions.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Ensight
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Medit
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricEltList
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::GeometricElt
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::InterfaceNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Crtp
 Namespace that enclose some generic CRTP ("Curiously recurrent template pattern").
namespace  MoReFEM::CoordsNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::MeshNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::MeshNS::InterpolationNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::DomainNS
 Namespace that enclose stuff related to Domain.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for advanced users of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::DomainNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeomEltNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::LightweightDomainListNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::MeshNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::ComponentNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeometricEltNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeometricEltNS::SortingCriterion
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::InterfaceNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.

Data Structures

class  MoReFEM::Coords
 Define a SpatialPoint in a specific mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::CoordsNS::CoordIndexes
 Inner object in Coords in charge of storing relevant indexes. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::CoordsNS::Factory
 A factory class to create new Coords objects. More...
class  MoReFEM::LocalCoords
 LocalCoords used in the local reference element. More...
class  MoReFEM::SpatialPoint
 Define a spatial three-dimensional point. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::LightweightDomainList
 Facility to handle a variable number of domains. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::LightweightDomainListManager
 Manager that is aware of all LightweightDomainListManager. More...
class  MoReFEM::Domain
 This class holds descriptors that can be used to tailor a sub-domain of a Mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::DomainManager
 This class is used to create and retrieve Domain objects. More...
class  MoReFEM::MeshLabel
 Depiction of a given label. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeomEltNS::ComputeJacobian
 Helper class to compute Jacobian for a given GeometricElt at a given LocalCoords (and thus by extension at a given QuadraturePoint). More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeometricEltFactory
 The purpose of this class is to create on demand a pointer to a newly created object which type depends on the name given in a specific format. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeometricEltNS::SortingCriterion::SurfaceRef< StrictOrderingOperatorT >
 Used as a template parameter of Utilities::Sort (see this free function for much more details!) More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeometricEltNS::SortingCriterion::Dimension< StrictOrderingOperatorT >
 Used as a template parameter of Utilities::Sort (see this free function for much more details!) More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::GeometricEltNS::SortingCriterion::Type< StrictOrderingOperatorT >
 Used as a template parameter of Utilities::Sort (see this free function for much more details!) More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::GeomEltNS::TGeometricElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >
 Derived from 'GeometricElt', it defines many virtual methods that depends one way or another from template parameters. More...
class  MoReFEM::GeometricElt
 Generic class handling geometric element. More...
class  MoReFEM::Hexahedron20
 A Hexahedron20 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Hexahedron27
 A Hexahedron27 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Hexahedron8
 A Hexahedron8 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Point1
 A Point1 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Quadrangle4
 A Quadrangle4 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Quadrangle8
 A Quadrangle8 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Quadrangle9
 A Quadrangle9 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Segment2
 A Segment2 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Segment3
 A Segment3 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Tetrahedron10
 A Tetrahedron10 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Tetrahedron4
 A Tetrahedron4 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Triangle3
 A Triangle3 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Triangle6
 A Triangle6 geometric element read in a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt::Exception
 Generic class for GeometricElt exceptions. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt::FormatNotSupported
 Thrown when a geometric element is not supported by the chosen format. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt::InterfaceTypeNotBuilt
 Thrown when edges or faces are requested whereas they weren't properly built. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt::InvalidInterfaceBuildOrder
 Thrown when you attempt to build an interface type while not having built first the type just below. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt::Global2LocalNoConvergence
 Thrown when no convergence was reached in Global2Local. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricElt::UnsupportedP2Q2
 Temporary exception to handle the fact P2/Q2 geometry is not supported yet. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::GeometricElt::Exception
 Generic exception for GeometricEltFactory. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::GeometricElt::InvalidEnsightGeometricEltName
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::GeometricElt::InvalidGeometricEltId
 Thrown when the user requires from the factory an object with an unknown identifier. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::GeometricElt::InvalidGeometricEltName
 Thrown when the user requires from the factory an object with an unknown name. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::InterfaceNS::LocalData< TopologyT >
 This helper class is used to access the local edges, faces and also the vertice coordinates. More...
struct  MoReFEM::InterfaceNS::Ninterface< TopologyT, NatureT >
 Helper class to return at compile time the number of interfaces of NatureT for a given TopologyT. More...
struct  MoReFEM::InterfaceNS::Hash
 Functor to act as hash function in an unordered map. More...
struct  MoReFEM::InterfaceNS::LessByCoords
 Functor used to identify already existing interfaces when a new interface is built. More...
class  MoReFEM::Edge
 Class in charge of the edge interface. More...
class  MoReFEM::Face
 Class in charge of the face interface. More...
class  MoReFEM::OrientedEdge
 Class used to store an edge inside a GeometricElt. More...
class  MoReFEM::OrientedFace
 Class used to store an face inside a GeometricElement. More...
class  MoReFEM::Vertex
 Class in charge of the Vertex interface. More...
class  MoReFEM::Volume
 Class in charge of the face interface. More...
class  MoReFEM::Interface
 Polymorphic base of all interface classes. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::InterfaceNS::Build< InterfaceT, TopologyT >
 Helper class to build or retrieve interfaces related to a given GeometricElt. More...
class  MoReFEM::Crtp::Orientation< DerivedT, UnorientedInterfaceT >
 This Crtp is used for both Edge and Face interface. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::InterfaceNS::TInterface< DerivedT, NatureT >
 CRTP from which the various interfaces (vertex, edge, face or volume) should inherit. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::InterfaceNS::LocalInterface
 Geometric interface considered at the local level ('local' in the finite element meaning). More...
class  MoReFEM::MeshNS::InterpolationNS::CoordsMatching
 Interpolation between vertices of two meshes as given by an ad hoc file. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::CoordsMatchingManager
 Object that is aware of all existing MoReFEM::MeshNS::InterpolationNS::CoordsMatching. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::MeshNS::DistanceFromMesh
 Class in charge to compute the distance between a point and a mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::MeshNS::WritePrepartitionedData
 This lightweight class writes on disk the data that will be required to a further run parallel run from the data computed here. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::InterfaceIndexListManager
 Helper structure during construction of the ComputeInterfaceListInMesh object. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::ComputeInterfaceListInMesh
 Compute the list of all interfaces to consider at the level of a Mesh. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricEltList::Exception
 Generic exception thrown by a GeometricEltList object. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricEltList::InitNotCleared
 Thrown when GeometricEltList::Init() is called upon an object already initialized. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricEltList::InvalidRequest
 Thrown when a request was done for a type not found in the GeometricEltList. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GeometricEltList::DuplicateInGeometricEltIndex
 Thrown when indexes of the geometric elements read are not unique. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Ensight::InvalidThirdOrFourthLine
 Thrown if third or fourth line is not what is expected. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Ensight::InvalidCoords
 Thrown when the announced number of coords has not been retrieved. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Ensight::BadNumberOfEltsInLabel
 Thrown when the announced number of geometric elements has not been retrieved. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Ensight::InvalidLabelBlock
 Thrown when a block doesn't begin with the expected string. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Ensight::InvalidNumberOfGeometricElts
 Thrown when number of geometric elements can't be read properly. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Exception
 Generic exception. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::UnableToOpenFile
 Thrown when mesh file couldn't be opened. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::UnsupportedGeometricElt
 Called when there is an attempt to write in Medit format a geometric elementtype not supported. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Medit::UnableToOpen
 Thrown when the file was found but couldn't be interpreted as a Medit file. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Medit::InvalidExtension
 Thrown when file extension is invalid. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Medit::InvalidPath
 Thrown when the path doesn't exist. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Medit::InvalidDimension
 Thrown when dimension is incorrect. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Format::Medit::InvalidCoordIndex
 Thrown when the coord index read are not correct. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Information<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight >
 Specialization of Information struct that provides generic information about Ensight format. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Information<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit >
 Specialization of Information struct that provides generic information about Medit format. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Information<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::VTK_PolygonalData >
 Specialization of Information struct that provides generic information about VTK_PolygonalData format. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Information<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Vizir >
 Specialization of Information struct that provides generic information about Medit format. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::GeometricEltList
 Helper class designed to be used within Mesh to store all the elements. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::MeshManager
 This class is used to create and retrieve Mesh objects. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::PseudoNormalsManager
 Manager of all PseudoNormal objects. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::RefGeomEltAndMeshLabel
 An ad hoc object to serve as key in some containers. More...
class  MoReFEM::Mesh
 Class responsible for a mesh and its content. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::LocalNode
 A LocalNode is mostly an extension of a LocalCoords, which additionally is attributed an index and keeps track on the LocalInterface on which it is located. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Hexahedron20 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Hexahedron27 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Hexahedron8 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Hexahedron8 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Hexahedron20
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Hexahedron20. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Hexahedron27
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Hexahedron27. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Hexahedron8
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Hexahedron8. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Hexahedron20
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Hexahedron27
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Hexahedron8
 Define Hexahedron8 shape functions and its derivative. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS::Hexahedron
 Topology of a hexahedron. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Hexahedron20
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Hexahedron27
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Hexahedron8
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Point1 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Point1
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Point1. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Point1
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS::Point
 Topology of a point. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Point1
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Quadrangle4 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Quadrangle4 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Quadrangle8 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Quadrangle9 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Quadrangle4
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Quadrangle4. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Quadrangle8
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Quadrangle8. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Quadrangle9
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Quadrangle9. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Quadrangle4
 Define Quadrangle4 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Quadrangle8
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Quadrangle9
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS::Quadrangle
 Topology of a quadrangle. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Quadrangle4
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Quadrangle8
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Quadrangle9
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Segment2 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Segment2 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Segment3 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Segment2
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Segment2. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Segment3
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Segment3. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Segment2
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Segment3
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS::Segment
 Topology of a segment. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Segment2
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Segment3
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Tetrahedron10 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Tetrahedron10 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Tetrahedron4 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Tetrahedron4 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Tetrahedron10
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Tetrahedron4
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Tetrahedron10
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Tetrahedron10. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Tetrahedron4
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Tetrahedron4. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS::Tetrahedron
 Topology of a tetrahedron. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Tetrahedron10
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Tetrahedron4
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Triangle3 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Triangle3 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Ensight, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Triangle6 >
 Provides relevant information for Ensight support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::MeshNS::FormatNS::Support<::MoReFEM::MeshNS::Format::Medit, Advanced::GeometricEltEnum::Triangle6 >
 Provides relevant information for Medit support. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Triangle3
 Define Triangle3 shape functions and its derivative. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Triangle6
 Define Triangle6 shape functions and its derivative. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::TopologyNS::Triangle
 Topology of a Triangle. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Triangle3
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Triangle6
 Traits class that holds the static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Triangle3
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Triangle3. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Triangle6
 Acts as a strawman class for MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::Traits::Triangle6. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::RefGeomEltImpl< DerivedT, ShapeFunctionTraitsT, TopologyT >
 Traits class which unifies traits from Interface and from shape functions. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >
 Derived from 'RefGeomElt', for which it defines all the virtual methods. More...
struct  MoReFEM::RefGeomEltNS::ShapeFunctionNS::Crtp::AccessShapeFunction< DerivedT >
 Curiously recurrent template pattern (CRTP) that provides two accessors to the value of a shape function and its derivates. More...
class  MoReFEM::RefGeomElt
 Polymorphic class which can access static functions related to shape functions, interface and topology. More...


 MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::TRefGeomElt ()=default
 Default constructor.
virtual MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::~TRefGeomElt () override=default
 MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::TRefGeomElt (const TRefGeomElt &rhs)=delete
 The copy constructor.
 MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::TRefGeomElt (TRefGeomElt &&rhs)=delete
 The move constructor.
TRefGeomEltMoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::operator= (const TRefGeomElt &rhs)=delete
 The (copy) operator=.
TRefGeomEltMoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::operator= (TRefGeomElt &&rhs)=delete
 The (move) operator=.
virtual Advanced::GeometricEltEnum MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetIdentifier () const override final
 Get the identifier of the geometric element.
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetDimension () const override final
 Get the dimension of the geometric element.
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Ncoords () const override final
 Get the number of Coords object required to characterize completely a GeometricElt of this type.
virtual const Advanced::GeomEltNS::GenericNameMoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetName () const override final
 Returns the name of the geometric element (for instance 'Triangle3').
virtual const std::string & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetTopologyName () const override final
 Get the name associated to the Topology (e.g. 'Triangle').
virtual::MoReFEM::TopologyNS::Type MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetTopologyIdentifier () const override final
 Get the enum value associated to the Topology (e.g. 'TopologyNS::Type::tetrahedron').
virtual const LocalCoordsMoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetBarycenter () const override final
 Get the local coordinates of the barycenter.
virtual const std::vector< LocalCoords > & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetQ1LocalCoordsList () const override final
 Get the list of local coordinates of the vertices.
virtual double MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::ShapeFunction (LocalNodeNS::index_type local_node_index, const LocalCoords &local_coords) const override final
 Shape function call.
virtual double MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::FirstDerivateShapeFunction (LocalNodeNS::index_type local_node_index, Advanced::ComponentNS::index_type component, const LocalCoords &local_coords) const override final
 First derivate of the shape function call.
virtual double MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::SecondDerivateShapeFunction (LocalNodeNS::index_type local_node_index, Advanced::ComponentNS::index_type component1, Advanced::ComponentNS::index_type component2, const LocalCoords &local_coords) const override final
 Second derivate of the shape function call.
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Nvertex () const noexcept override final
 Return the number of vertices.
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Nedge () const noexcept override final
 Return the number of edges.
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Nface () const noexcept override final
 Return the number of faces.
virtual::MoReFEM::InterfaceNS::Nature MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetInteriorInterfaceNature () const noexcept override final
 Returns the nature of the interior interface.
virtual GmfKwdCod MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetMeditIdentifier () const override final
 Get the identifier Medit use to tag the geometric element.
virtual const Advanced::GeomEltNS::EnsightNameMoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetEnsightName () const override final
 Get the Ensight name. If Ensight doesn't support the type empty string is returned.

Detailed Description

This module encompass purely geometric objects of the code, such as the mesh, geometric elements, domains and so forth.

Function Documentation

◆ TRefGeomElt() [1/2]

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::TRefGeomElt ( const TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT > & rhs)

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

The copy constructor.

[in]rhsThe object from which the construction occurs.

◆ TRefGeomElt() [2/2]

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::TRefGeomElt ( TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT > && rhs)

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

The move constructor.

[in]rhsThe object from which the construction occurs.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
TRefGeomElt & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::operator= ( const TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT > & rhs)

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

The (copy) operator=.

[in]rhsThe object from which the affectation occurs.
Reference to the object (to enable chained affectation).

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
TRefGeomElt & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::operator= ( TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT > && rhs)

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

The (move) operator=.

[in]rhsThe object from which the affectation occurs.
Reference to the object (to enable chained affectation).

◆ GetIdentifier()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual Advanced::GeometricEltEnum MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetIdentifier ( ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Get the identifier of the geometric element.

The identifier of a GeometricElt as defined within MoReFEM (independent of IO format).

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ GetDimension()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetDimension ( ) const

◆ Ncoords()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Ncoords ( ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Get the number of Coords object required to characterize completely a GeometricElt of this type.

For instance 27 for an Hexahedron27.

Number of Coords object required to characterize completely a GeometricElt of this type.

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ GetName()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual const Advanced::GeomEltNS::GenericName & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetName ( ) const

◆ GetTopologyName()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual const std::string & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetTopologyName ( ) const

◆ GetTopologyIdentifier()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual::MoReFEM::TopologyNS::Type MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetTopologyIdentifier ( ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Get the enum value associated to the Topology (e.g. 'TopologyNS::Type::tetrahedron').

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ GetBarycenter()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual const LocalCoords & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetBarycenter ( ) const

◆ GetQ1LocalCoordsList()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual const std::vector< LocalCoords > & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetQ1LocalCoordsList ( ) const

◆ ShapeFunction()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual double MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::ShapeFunction ( LocalNodeNS::index_type local_node_index,
const LocalCoords & local_coords ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Shape function call.

[in]local_node_indexIndex of the local node considered.
[in]local_coordsLocal coordinates at which the shape function is applied.
Shape function value at the local node considered.

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ FirstDerivateShapeFunction()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual double MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::FirstDerivateShapeFunction ( LocalNodeNS::index_type local_node_index,
Advanced::ComponentNS::index_type component,
const LocalCoords & local_coords ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

First derivate of the shape function call.

[in]local_node_indexIndex of the local node considered.
[in]local_coordsLocal coordinates at which the shape function is applied.
[in]componentComponent of the derivate considered.
Derivate of the shape function wrt to component at the local node considered.

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ SecondDerivateShapeFunction()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual double MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::SecondDerivateShapeFunction ( LocalNodeNS::index_type local_node_index,
Advanced::ComponentNS::index_type component1,
Advanced::ComponentNS::index_type component2,
const LocalCoords & local_coords ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Second derivate of the shape function call.

[in]local_node_indexIndex of the local node considered.
[in]local_coordsLocal coordinates at which the shape function is applied.
[in]component1Component of the first derivate considered.
[in]component2Component of the second derivate considered.
Derivate of the shape function wrt to component1 and component2 at the local node considered.

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ Nvertex()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Nvertex ( ) const

◆ Nedge()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Nedge ( ) const

◆ Nface()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual std::size_t MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::Nface ( ) const

◆ GetInteriorInterfaceNature()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual::MoReFEM::InterfaceNS::Nature MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetInteriorInterfaceNature ( ) const

◆ GetMeditIdentifier()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual GmfKwdCod MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetMeditIdentifier ( ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Get the identifier Medit use to tag the geometric element.

An exception is thrown if Medit format is not supported.


Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.

◆ GetEnsightName()

template<class TraitsRefGeomEltT >
virtual const Advanced::GeomEltNS::EnsightName & MoReFEM::Internal::RefGeomEltNS::TRefGeomElt< TraitsRefGeomEltT >::GetEnsightName ( ) const

#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Geometry/RefGeometricElt/Internal/RefGeomElt/TRefGeomElt.hpp>

Get the Ensight name. If Ensight doesn't support the type empty string is returned.

Implements MoReFEM::RefGeomElt.