No Matches
Files | Namespaces | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs

Module to encompass third party utilities: convenient header files to avoid warnings from third party header, wrappers over natural interface of the libraries, and even some extensions to there libraries. More...

Collaboration diagram for ThirdParty:


file  Test.hpp
file  Libmeshb.hpp
file  Lua.hpp
file  Mpi.hpp
file  PetscConf.hpp
file  PetscMacros.hpp
file  PetscMat.hpp
file  PetscMatPrivate.hpp
file  PetscSfTypes.hpp
file  PetscSnes.hpp
file  PetscSys.hpp
file  PetscSysTypes.hpp
file  PetscVec.hpp
file  PetscVersion.hpp
file  PetscViewer.hpp
file  Scotch.hpp
file  SlepcEps.hpp
file  SlepcSys.hpp
file  Tclap.hpp
file  Xtensor.hpp
file  Libmesh.hpp
file  Function.hpp
file  LuaState.hpp
file  Exception.hpp
file  LuaUtilityFunctions.hpp
file  OptionFile.hpp
file  Mpi.hpp
file  Datatype.hpp
file  IsSameForAllRanks.hpp
file  Comm.hpp
file  Op.hpp
file  Mpi.hpp
file  MpiScale.hpp
file  Alias.hpp
file  Parmetis.hpp
file  Parmetis.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  Assertion.hpp
file  Petsc.hpp
file  RAII.hpp
file  AbstractMatrix.hpp
file  Concept.hpp
file  FreeFunctions.hpp
file  NonZeroPattern.hpp
file  Matrix.hpp
file  MatrixInfo.hpp
file  MatrixOperations.hpp
file  MatrixOpResult.hpp
file  MatrixPattern.hpp
file  NonZeroPattern.hpp
file  ShellMatrix.hpp
file  Print.hpp
file  SnesMacro.hpp
file  Concept.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  BasicSolver.hpp
file  KspConvergenceReason.hpp
file  SnesConvergenceReason.hpp
file  Factory.hpp
file  Gmres.hpp
file  Mumps.hpp
file  Petsc.hpp
file  SuperLU_dist.hpp
file  Umfpack.hpp
file  Settings.hpp
file  Solver.hpp
file  Snes.hpp
file  AccessGhostContent.hpp
file  AccessVectorContent.hpp
file  Vector.hpp
file  CheckUpdateGhostManager.hpp
file  VectorHelper.hpp
file  Vector.hpp
file  Viewer.hpp
file  EigenPair.hpp
file  RAII.hpp
file  Eps.hpp
file  StringPair.hpp
file  Functions.hpp


namespace  MoReFEM
 Main MoReFEM namespace.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for developers of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::LuaNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::MpiNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::SolverNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::Instantiations
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::SlepcNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::PetscNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS
 Namespace for MoReFEM exceptions.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::LuaOptionFileNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Concept
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for advanced users of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::Concept
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::Concept::InputDataNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::Wrappers::Petsc
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Lua
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::ExceptionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::ExceptionNS::Mpi
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::MpiNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ExceptionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::AssertionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Slepc
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Tclap
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Parmetis
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Parmetis::ExceptionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Xtensor
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.

Data Structures

class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Libmesh
 Wrapper to call functions of libmesh 5 library. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Lua::Function< ReturnTypeT(Args...)>
 High-level functor that handles the call to lua to get the result of a function defined as an input datum. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::LuaNS::LuaState
 An internal class to handle the underlying lua_State attribute in LuaFunction template class. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::LuaOptionFileNS::TooManyEntriesInVector
 Exception when there are too many values in a vector. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Lua::OptionFile
 A class to load input data stored in a Lua file. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::ExceptionNS::Mpi::Exception
 Generic class. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Mpi
 A wrapper over MPI functions call, with some common parameters stored in an object. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Parmetis::ExceptionNS::Exception
 Generic class. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::AssertionNS::ShouldNotHaveBeenInitialized
 When an internal PETSc object should have not been initialized and was notetheless. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::AssertionNS::ShouldHaveBeenInitialized
 When an internal PETSc object should have been initialized but was not. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ExceptionNS::Exception
 Generic class. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ExceptionNS::WrongMatlabExtension
 When a matlab output file doesn't end with '.m'. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ExceptionNS::SolverNotParallel
 When a non parallel is attempted in parallel. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ExceptionNS::SolverNotSetUp
 When a solver was not activated within MoReFEM. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::PetscNS::RAII
 RAII class to initialize / close properly PETSc and mpi. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::Wrappers::Petsc::AbstractMatrix
 An abstract class which provides backbone for both MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::Matrix and MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::MatrixOpResult. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::Matrix
 A wrapper class over Petsc Mat objects. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::MatrixOpResult
 Wrapper over a PETSc Mat matrix that is the result of a matrix-matrix product. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::MatrixPattern
 This class helps to create Petsc parallel matrices. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ShellMatrix< ContextT >
 Wrappers over a Petsc shell matrix. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::BasicSolver
 Polymorphic base class over a solver used in Petsc with default settings. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::SolverNS::Factory
 The purpose of this class is to create on demand a pointer to a newly created object which type depends on the name given in a specific format. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::Instantiations::Gmres
 Wrappers over Gmres solver within Petsc. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::Instantiations::Petsc
 Wrappers over Petsc solver within Petsc. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::SolverNS::Settings
 All the settings related to a PETSc solver, as typically read from the input data file. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::Wrappers::Petsc::Solver
 Polymorphic base class over a solver used in Petsc. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::Snes
 This class wraps all the Petsc objects related to solver. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::AccessGhostContent
 The purpose of this class is to enable access to the whole content of the vector, including its ghost. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::AccessVectorContent< AccessT >
 Class used to get a glimpse over the local content of a Vector, and possibly modify them. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::ExceptionNS::InvalidAsciiFile
 When loading an ascii file. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::Vector
 A wrapper class over Petsc Vec objects. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Petsc::Viewer
 RAII over PetscViewer object. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Slepc::EigenPair
 This class wraps a pair of eigenvector and eigenvalue. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::SlepcNS::RAII
 RAII class to initialize / close properly Slepc. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Slepc::Eps
 This class wraps all the Slepc objects related to EPS. More...
class  MoReFEM::Wrappers::Tclap::StringPair
 This class aims to provide a new accepted type on command lines like: '-e FOO=BAR'. More...


 Alias in MoReFEM for the macro that represents PETSC_NULL


using libmeshb_int = int64_t
 Alias to the integer type used in libmesh.

Detailed Description

Module to encompass third party utilities: convenient header files to avoid warnings from third party header, wrappers over natural interface of the libraries, and even some extensions to there libraries.

This module is compiled along with Utilities module in Utilities library.

Macro Definition Documentation



#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/ThirdParty/IncludeWithoutWarning/Petsc/PetscVersion.hpp>

Alias in MoReFEM for the macro that represents PETSC_NULL

PETSc changed its convention in v3.19 and for the time being I want to be able to cover both older and most recent version seamlessly. At some point it should be dropped and all instances of MOREFEM_PETSC_NULL in the code replaced by PETSC_NULLPTR