No Matches
Files | Namespaces | Data Structures | Macros

Module to encompass handly side functionalities (printing content of a STL container, creating a file in filesystem, and so forth...) More...

Collaboration diagram for Utilities:


file  DatafileExtension.hpp
file  AsciiOrBinary.hpp
file  BinarySerialization.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  BinarySerialization.hpp
file  Array.hpp
file  BoolArray.hpp
file  Delimiter.hpp
file  EnumClass.hpp
file  EnumClassIterator.hpp
file  TupleHelper.hpp
file  Print.hpp
file  Sort.hpp
file  TupleHelper.hpp
file  PointerComparison.hpp
file  Print.hpp
file  Associative.hpp
file  Key.hpp
file  Normal.hpp
file  Pointer.hpp
file  Quoted.hpp
file  Variant.hpp
file  Sort.hpp
file  Concept.hpp
file  Tuple.hpp
file  UnorderedMap.hpp
file  Vector.hpp
file  Now.hpp
file  Environment.hpp
file  Assertion.hpp
file  Exception.hpp
file  Factory.hpp
file  GracefulExit.hpp
file  PrintAndAbort.hpp
file  Behaviour.hpp
file  Directory.hpp
file  Directory.hpp
file  File.hpp
file  CheckForSubdirectoryConstructor.hpp
file  GetRankDirectory.hpp
file  Concept.hpp
file  Leaf.hpp
file  Section.hpp
file  InputData.hpp
file  NoEnclosingSection.hpp
file  Concept.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  InputData.hpp
file  Extract.hpp
file  InputData.hpp
file  AbstractClass.hpp
file  EmptyInputData.hpp
file  Extract.hpp
file  IndexedSectionDescription.hpp
file  LuaFormat.hpp
file  Print.hpp
file  Traits.hpp
file  TupleIteration.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  Write.hpp
file  ModelSettings.hpp
file  LocalAlias.hpp
file  CSRPattern.hpp
file  GlobalVectorTemporary.hpp
file  GlobalVectorTemporaryAccess.hpp
file  GlobalVectorTemporaryStorage.hpp
file  LocalMatrixStorage.hpp
file  LocalVectorStorage.hpp
file  Type.hpp
file  Miscellaneous.hpp
file  Mpi.hpp
file  Mutex.hpp
file  Numeric.hpp
file  Numeric.hpp
file  Singleton.hpp
file  Singleton.hpp
file  Wrap.hpp
file  Wrap.hpp
file  EmptyString.hpp
file  String.hpp
file  Traits.hpp
file  TimeKeep.hpp
file  PrintTypeName.hpp
file  Convert.hpp
file  Addable.hpp
file  AsMpiDatatype.hpp
file  Comparable.hpp
file  DefaultConstructible.hpp
file  Divisible.hpp
file  Hashable.hpp
file  Incrementable.hpp
file  Printable.hpp
file  StrongType.hpp
file  Enum.hpp
file  UniqueId.hpp
file  UniqueId.hpp
file  array-bounds.hpp
file  cast-function-type.hpp
file  comma.hpp
file  covered-switch-default.hpp
file  deprecated-builtins.hpp
file  deprecated-declarations.hpp
file  deprecated-dynamic-exception-spec.hpp
file  deprecated.hpp
file  disabled-macro-expansion.hpp
file  div-by-zero.hpp
file  extra-semi-stmt.hpp
file  float-equal.hpp
file  format-nonliteral.hpp
file  format-security.hpp
file  implicit-int-conversion.hpp
file  maybe-uninitialized.hpp
file  missing-prototypes.hpp
file  newline-eof.hpp
file  non-virtual-dtor.hpp
file  redundant-decls.hpp
file  redundant-parens.hpp
file  reorder.hpp
file  reserved-id-macro.hpp
file  reserved-identifier.hpp
file  reserved-macro-identifier.hpp
file  return-std-move-in-c++11.hpp
file  shadow-field-in-constructor.hpp
file  shadow-field.hpp
file  shorten-64-to-32.hpp
file  sometimes-uninitialized.hpp
file  stringop-overflow.hpp
file  suggest-destructor-override.hpp
file  suggest-override.hpp
file  undef.hpp
file  unused-function.hpp
file  unused-local-typedef.hpp
file  unused-member-function.hpp
file  unused-template.hpp
file  unused-variable.hpp
file  used-but-marked-unused.hpp
file  weak-vtables.hpp
file  zero-as-null-pointer-constant.hpp
file  Pragma.hpp


namespace  MoReFEM
 Main MoReFEM namespace.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for advanced users of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::AsciiOrBinaryNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::InputDataNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::InputDataNS::Crtp
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::Concept
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Advanced::Concept::InputDataNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::UniqueIdNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities
 Namespace that enclose most of the Utilities (some aren't for conveniency, such as NumericNS or FilesystemNS).
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities::String
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities::ExceptionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities::ExceptionNS::Singleton
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities::Tuple
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Utilities::PointerComparison
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::NumericNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Concept
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::LinearAlgebraNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS
 Namespace for MoReFEM exceptions.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::NumericNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::BinaryNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::GlobalLinearAlgebraNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::PrintNS::Delimiter
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS
 Namespace that enclose filesystem utilities (check a folder do exist, remove a file, and so forth...)
namespace  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::File
 Subnamespace to deal with files.
namespace  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::Folder
 Subnamespace to deal with folders.
namespace  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal
 Namespace with content that should be of use only for developers of the library.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::Impl
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::GlobalLinearAlgebraNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ExceptionsNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::ExceptionsNS::UniqueId
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::StrongTypeNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::PrintPolicyNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::PrintNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::SortNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::Impl
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::FilesystemNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::Traits
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Internal::EnumClassNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::Crtp
 Namespace that enclose some generic CRTP ("Curiously recurrent template pattern").
namespace  MoReFEM::InputDataNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.
namespace  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS
 Placeholder namespace description needed for it to appear in Doxygen namespace list.

Data Structures

class  MoReFEM::Utilities::AsciiOrBinary
 Provides a way to specify the output format of the solution vectors corresponding to each unknown. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::BinaryNS::LoadBinaryFileException
 Generic exception when a problem occurred while loading a binary vector with UnserializeVectorFromBinaryFile(). More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::BinaryNS::NotExistingFile
 When indicated file was not found. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::BinaryNS::InconsistentFileSize
 When the file doesn't include the expected number of values (when the latter is available) More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::BinaryNS::NotMatchingSize
 When the file doesn't include the expected number of values (when the latter is available) More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::BoolArray
 A class to handle a dynamic array of bool with some safety. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::EnumClassNS::Iterator< EnumT, CurrentValueT >
 Helper class to be able to use enum class in metaprogramming. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::Impl::CompareRemainingToI< TupleT, I, J, TupleSizeT >
 Check that elements at I -th and J -th position in TupleT don't share the same type. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::PrintNS::SeparatorFacility< PrintPolicyT >
 Facility to handle properly the interval issue (we want separator between elements but not at the end of the list. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::PrintNS::PrintTupleHelper< StreamT, Index, Max, TupleT >
 Facility to print elements of a tuple. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::PrintNS::PrintTupleHelper< StreamT, Max, Max, TupleT >
 Specialization used to stop recursive call. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::SortNS::SortHelper< T, IndexT, TupleT >
 Helper function for SortingCriterion. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::IndexOfHelper< T, TupleT, I >
 helper class for IndexOf, which does much of the actual work More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::AssertNoDuplicateHelper< TupleT, I, TupleSizeT >
 Check that all the types in TupleT after I are not the same type as I. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::AreEqualLengthHelper< TupleT, Index, LengthMinusOne >
 Helper class to determine whether all containers held in TupleT are the same size. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::CallFunctionWithArgumentsFromTuple< ReturnTypeT, FunctionPrototypeT, TupleT, IsDoneT, NvalueInTupleT, ArgumentIteratorT >
 Helper function for Utilities::Tuple::CallFunctionWithArgumentsFromTuple. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::Decay< OriginalTupleT, DecayedTupleUnderConstructT, I, TupleSizeT >
 Helper struct used to build the underlying type of Utilities::Tuple::Decay. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::Decay< OriginalTupleT, DecayedTupleT, TupleSizeT, TupleSizeT >
 Stopping point of the helper struct used to build the underlying type of Utilities::Tuple::Decay. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::Tuple::tuple_element_with_fallback_impl< Index, TupleT, IsValidIndexT >
 Provides the implementaiton of tuple_element_with_fallback. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PointerComparison::Less< T >
 The equivalent of std::less<> for raw or shared pointers: except that what is compared is the underlying object rather than just the address of the pointer. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PointerComparison::Greater< T >
 See Less for explanation. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PointerComparison::Equal< T >
 See Less for explanation. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintContainer< PrintPolicyT >
 Print the content of a container (that might be associative or not - see PrintPolicyT). More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS::Associative< FormatT >
 Policy to handle the an associative container. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS::Key
 Policy to print only the keys of an associative container. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS::Normal
 Policy to handle the 'normal' case, i.e. when elements inside the container are directly displayable with operator <<. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS::Pointer
 Policy to handle the content of a container of (eventually smart) pointers. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS::Quoted< QuoteCharacterT >
 Policy very similar to the Normal one, except that each element is quoted by a single quote. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::PrintPolicyNS::Variant
 Policy to handle the case a container element might be a std::variant. More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::Tuple::AssertNoDuplicate< TupleT >
 Check the same type is not present twice in TupleT. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::Tuple::Decay< OriginalTupleT >
 The purpose of this struct is to return a new tuple which includes the decayed types of original_tuple. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::Tuple::tuple_element_with_fallback< Index, TupleT >
 An alternative to std::tuple_element which is a bit more forgiving. More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::Tuple::IndexOf< T, TupleT >
 Find the index of a given type in a tuple (used here as a typelist) More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::ContainerHash
 Struct used to generate a hash key for a container with a direct accessor. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::StaticCast< SourceT, TargetT >
 A slightly extended static_cast. More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::Environment
 Provides access to shell environment variables and also some internal data that act likewise. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::Assertion
 Class used when we want a bit more intel than the one provided by an assert. More...
class  MoReFEM::Exception
 Generic class for MoReFEM exceptions. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::Exception
 Generic exception for factory. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::UnableToRegister
 Thrown when a new element try to register with an already existing name. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::Factory::UnregisteredName
 Thrown when trying to create an object which name is not registered. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::GracefulExit
 Exception when we want to exit graceful with a EXIT_SUCCESS return code. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::Directory
 Class used to manage directories in MoReFEM. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS::Exception
 Generic class. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS::AlreadyExistsButNotAsDirectory
 Thrown when an object was found on the filesystem but is not a directory. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS::Unexisting
 Thrown when a directory that is assumed to exist on the filesystem couln't be found. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS::ShouldntExist
 Thrown when a directoryalready exists on the filesystem whereas it was expected not to. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS::SetBehaviourNoRank
 Thrown when SetBehaviour is called for a behaviour not allowed with no ranks. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::DirectoryNS::ExceptionNS::EmptyPath
 Thrown when path provided to Directory is empty. More...
class  MoReFEM::FilesystemNS::File
 Class used in MoReFEM to represent files on the filesystem. More...
class  MoReFEM::Advanced::InputDataNS::Crtp::Leaf< DerivedT, EnclosingSectionT, ReturnTypeT >
 Generic class from which each Leaf should derive. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::InputDataNS::Crtp::IndexedSectionDescription< DerivedT, EnclosingSectionT, TagT >
 A very special Leaf which is used to mark there is an indexed section that must be considered. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::InputDataNS::Crtp::Section< DerivedT, EnclosingSectionT >
 Any section in the input data file list tuple should derive from this. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Advanced::InputDataNS::Crtp::IndexedSection< DerivedT, IndexT, TagT, EnclosingSectionT >
 CRTP for special section that might be present several times for a given Model. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::Exception
 Generic class. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::DuplicateInInputFile
 Thrown when an input datum appears twice in the input data file. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::DuplicateInTuple
 Thrown when a same key (section/name) appears twice in the tuple elements. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::UnboundInputData
 Thrown when a data in the input data file is not related to an element in the tuple list. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::MismatchedVectorSize< SubTupleT >
 Thrown when a data in the input data file is not related to an element in the tuple list. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::MpiNotInitialized
 Thrown when MPI has not been initialized properly. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::FolderDoesntExist
 Thrown when a folder specified in the input file doesn't exist whereas it was expected to. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::NoEntryInModelSettings
 Thrown when ModelSettings want to modify an entry not present in the tuple. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::ValueCantBeSetTwice
 Thrown when ModelSettings::Add() is called twice upon the same entry. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::ModelSettingsNotCompletelyFilled
 Thrown when ModelSettings tuple is not completely filled when there is a call to ModelSettings::CheckTupleCompletelyFilled(). More...
class  MoReFEM::InputDataNS::ExceptionNS::MissingIndexedSectionDescriptionInModelSettingsTuple
 Thrown when the model developer forgot to add a IndexedSectionDescription object in the model-specific ModelSettings tuple. More...
class  MoReFEM::InputData< TupleT, DoUpdateLuaFileT >
 This class read the input data file and then is in charge of holding the values read. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::AbstractClass< TupleT >
 An abstract class from which InputData and ModelSettings classes are built. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::EmptyInputData
 Placeholder when there are no InputData. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::ExtractLeaf< LeafT >
 A convenient helper to extract the value stored in a leaf of InputData with syntactic sugar. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::ExtractSection< SectionT >
 Mostly the same as ExtractLeaf for sections. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::PrintPolicyNS::LuaFormat
 Policy to handle the printing of input data onto a stream. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::Traits::Format< return_type >
 Class specializations used in CreateDefaultInputFile() to write the expected format for a given input data. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Internal::InputDataNS::TupleIteration< TupleT, Index >
 An helper class used to perform some operations recursively for all elements of TupleT. More...
class  MoReFEM::ModelSettings< TupleT >
 Class which purpose is to store model-related data that are intended to be set exclusively by the author of the model. More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::CSRPattern< T >
 Objects that store information about the CSR pattern of a sparse matrix. More...
class  MoReFEM::GlobalLinearAlgebraNS::GlobalVectorTemporary< DerivedT, GlobalVectorT, N, IdentifierT >
 Gives to a DerivedT class access to one or several unnamed GlobalVector for temporary storage. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::GlobalLinearAlgebraNS::GlobalVectorTemporaryAccess< WorkVariableT >
 Class which actually provides access to a temporary GlobalVector needed in GlobalVectorTemporary scheme. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::GlobalLinearAlgebraNS::GlobalVectorTemporaryStorage< GlobalVectorT, N, IdentifierT >
 Class which actually stores the GlobalVector needed in GlobalVectorTemporary CRTP. More...
class  MoReFEM::Crtp::LocalMatrixStorage< DerivedT, NlocalMatricesT, LocalMatrixT >
 CRTP to give access to NlocalMatricesT local matrices. More...
class  MoReFEM::Crtp::LocalVectorStorage< DerivedT, NlocalVectorT, LocalVectorT >
 CRTP to give access to NlocalVectorT local vectors. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::Type2Type< T >
 Create an hollow object that might be useful to mimic template function overloading. More...
struct  MoReFEM::Utilities::ConstRefOrValue< T >
 Yields most adapted return type: by value or by const reference. More...
class  MoReFEM::Crtp::CrtpMpi< DerivedT >
 This CRTP class provides to its derived class a Mpi object and an accessor to it. More...
class  MoReFEM::Crtp::Mutex< DerivedT >
 This CRTP class defines a mutex each object of the DerivedT class. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::NumericNS::InconsistentVectors
 Thrown when NumericNS::AreEqual is used on two vectors that don't share the same shape. More...
class  MoReFEM::ExceptionNS::NumericNS::InconsistentMatrices
 Thrown when NumericNS::AreEqual is used on two matrices that don't share the same shape. More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::ExceptionNS::Singleton::DeadReference
 This exception is thrown if a call is made after singleton destruction. More...
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::ExceptionNS::Singleton::NotYetCreated
class  MoReFEM::Utilities::Singleton< T >
 Provides part of the singleton interface to T through a CRTP. More...
class  MoReFEM::TimeKeep
 Class used to profile crudely (through prints) the code. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::Addable< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType operator+ is enabled for the StrongType. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::AsMpiDatatype< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType, the facilities related to Mpi may be used with the StrongType. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::Comparable< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType operator< and == are enabled for the StrongType. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::DefaultConstructible< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType, default constructor is enabled. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::Divisible< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType operator% is enabled for the StrongType. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::Hashable< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType, a hash specialization is provided (using the underlying type hash) More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::Incrementable< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType operator+ is enabled for the StrongType. More...
struct  MoReFEM::StrongTypeNS::Printable< StrongTypeT >
 If this skill is added as a variadic parameter to a StrongType operator<< is enabled for the StrongType. More...
class  MoReFEM::StrongType< T, Parameter, Skills >
 Abstract class used to define a StrongType, which allows more expressive code and ensures that the order of arguments of the same underlying type is respected at call sites. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::ExceptionsNS::UniqueId::Exception
 Generic exception thrown for unique id related operations. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::ExceptionsNS::UniqueId::ReservedValue
 Specific unique id exception. More...
class  MoReFEM::Internal::ExceptionsNS::UniqueId::AlreadyExistingId
 Specific unique id exception. More...
class  MoReFEM::Crtp::UniqueId< DerivedT, UnderlyingTypeT, AssignationModeT, DoAllowNoIdT >
 This CRTP class defines a unique ID for each object of the DerivedT class. More...


 Apply a pragma diagnostic directive.

Detailed Description

Module to encompass handly side functionalities (printing content of a STL container, creating a file in filesystem, and so forth...)

This module is compiled along with ThirdParty module in Utilities library.

Utilities groups all the miscellaneous tools that aren't very tied to MoReFEM core; the idea is that in a completely unrelated project most of it could remain handy.

It is there for instance that you may found utilities to check whether a real is zero or not, another one to create a file in the filesystem, yet another one to print easily the contain of a STL container.

Macro Definition Documentation



#include </builds/2mk6rsew/0/MoReFEM/CoreLibrary/MoReFEM/Sources/Utilities/Warnings/Pragma.hpp>

Apply a pragma diagnostic directive.

[in]tokIndexedSectionDescription given to the macro. It is not a string literal yet; do no put double quotes around this argument.
PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC(ignored "-Wconversion")
PRAGMA_DIAGNOSTIC(ignored "-Wcast-align")
#include "parmetis.h"
Apply a pragma diagnostic directive.
Definition Pragma.hpp:104

The advantage over a direct call to _Pragma is that the compiler is automatically handled.

Without that the line would be

#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"

for clang and

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"

for GCC, with a directive condition to rule out between both.