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MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > Class Template Referencefinalabstract

Read from an Ensight file values given at dofs and interpret then in term of a Parameter object. More...

#include <FiberList.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >:
Collaboration diagram for MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >:

Public Types

using self = FiberList<FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT>
 Alias to the type of the class.
using local_coords_type = QuadraturePoint
 Convenient alias to decide where a Parameter is computed.
using unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<self>
 Alias to unique pointer.
using parent = Parameter<TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None>
 Alias to parent.
using parameter_type = ParameterAtQuadraturePoint<TypeT, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None>
 Alias to underlying parameter.
using return_type = typename parent::return_type
 'Inherit' alias from parent.
using value_type = typename parent::value_type
 'Inherit' alias from parent.
using underlying_type
 Type used for the unique id.
using const_unique_ptr
 Alias to unique pointer to const object.
using array_unique_ptr
 Alias to array of unique pointer.
using traits
 Alias to traits.
using time_dependency_type
 Alias to time dependency.

Public Member Functions

void Initialize (const QuadratureRulePerTopology *const quadrature_rule_per_topology=nullptr)
 Initialize by converting into a ParameterAtQuadraturePoint.
bool IsConstant () const noexcept override final
 Whether the parameter is constant spatially (False for this one).
const GlobalVectorGetGlobalVector () const noexcept
 Accessor to the global vector which entails the values at dof.
void SetConstantValue (storage_value_type) override
 Enables to modify the constant value of a parameter. Deactivated for this kind of Parameter.
const parameter_typeGetUnderlyingParameter () const noexcept
 Accesspor to underlying parameter.
FiberListNS::unique_id GetUniqueId () const
 Get the value of the internal unique ID.
virtual void TimeUpdate ()
 Apply the time dependency if relevant.
virtual void TimeUpdate (double time)
 Apply the time dependency if relevant.
void SetTimeDependency (typename time_dependency_type::unique_ptr &&time_dependency)
 Set the time dependency functor.
return_type GetValue (const QuadraturePoint &local_coords, const GeometricElt &geom_elt) const
 Get the value of the parameter at a given local position in a given geom_elt.
return_type GetConstantValue () const
 Returns the constant value (if the parameter is constant).
virtual void SetConstantValue (value_type value)=0
 Enables to modify the constant value of a parameter.
void Write (std::ostream &stream) const
 Write the content of the Parameter in a stream.
void Write (const FilesystemNS::File &filename) const
 Write the content of the Parameter in a file.
const DomainGetDomain () const noexcept
 Returns the Domain upon which the parameter is defined.
const time_dependency_typeGetTimeDependency () const noexcept
 Constant accessor to the object which handles if relevant the time dependency (computation of the time related factor, etc...).

Static Public Member Functions

static IGNORE_BLOCK_IN_DOXYGEN const std::string & ClassName ()
 Return the name of the class.
static FiberListNS::unique_id GenerateNewEligibleId ()
 Generate a unique id.
static void ClearUniqueIdList ()
 Clear all unique ids.
static constexpr bool IsTimeDependent ()
 Whether the class is time-dependent or not.

Protected Member Functions

const std::string & GetName () const
 Name that will appear in outputs.

Private Types

using unique_id_parent = Crtp::UniqueId<self, FiberListNS::unique_id, UniqueIdNS::AssignationMode::manual>
 Alias to unique id parent.
using storage_value_type = std::decay_t<return_type>
 Alias to the way each value is stored.
using value_holder_type = Internal::ParameterNS::AtQuadraturePointNS::ValueHolder<storage_value_type>
 Alias to value holder.
using storage_type
 Alias to the type of the value actually stored.

Private Member Functions

virtual return_type SupplGetConstantValue () const override final
 Returns the constant value (if the parameters is constant).
virtual return_type SupplGetValue (const local_coords_type &quad_pt, const GeometricElt &geom_elt) const override final
 Get the (spatially-only) value of the parameter at a given local position in a given geom_elt.
virtual return_type SupplGetAnyValue () const override final
 Returns a stored value (Any: the point is actually to assert its type for some functions overload).
virtual void SupplWrite (std::ostream &stream) const override final
virtual void SupplTimeUpdate () override final
 Add here any additional TimeUpdate that might be relevant.
virtual void SupplTimeUpdate (double time) override final
 Add here any additional TimeUpdate that might be relevant.
GlobalVectorGetNonCstGlobalVector () noexcept
 Non constant accessor to the global vector which entails the values at dof.
const FEltSpaceGetFeltSpace () const noexcept
 Accessor to the finite element space.
const TimeManagerT & GetTimeManager () const noexcept
 Accessor to the time manager.
const UnknownGetUnknown () const noexcept
 Accessor to the unknown.
time_dependency_typeGetNonCstTimeDependency () noexcept
 Non constant accessor to the object which handles if relevant the time dependency (computation of the time related factor, etc...).

Static Private Member Functions

static FiberListNS::unique_id AssignUniqueId ()
 If AssignationMode is automatic, generates a new unique identifier.
static FiberListNS::unique_id NewUniqueId (FiberListNS::unique_id new_unique_id)
 If AssignationMode is manual, checks the unique identifier provided is valid.
static std::set< FiberListNS::unique_id > & StaticUniqueIdList ()
 List of all identifiers existing for DerivedT.

Private Attributes

const FEltSpacefelt_space_
 Finite element space to define the Parameter at Dof.
const TimeManagerT & time_manager_
 Time manager.
const Unknownunknown_
parameter_type::unique_ptr underlying_parameter_ { nullptr }
 Parameter upon which most functionalities will be built.
GlobalVector::unique_ptr global_vector_ { nullptr }
 Global vector which entails the values at dof.
::MoReFEM::GeomEltNS::index_type first_index_program_wise_ { 0ul }
 Index of the first geometric element which belongs to the domain's parameter. Used to reset the index of the.
std::size_t Nprogram_wise_geom_elt = 0ul
 Number of elements used to do a sanity check on the length of the fiber files defined at quadrature points.
std::size_t Nprocessor_wise_geom_elt = 0ul
 Number of elements used to check that each processor read the right number of values out of the fiber files.
FilesystemNS::File fiber_file_
 Fiber file.
bool was_initialize_already_called_ { false }
 In debug mode, data attribute to check Initialize is not called more than one.
const FiberListNS::unique_id unique_id_
 The value of the unique id for the current DerivedT object.
std::string name_
 Name that will appear in outputs.
const Domaindomain_
 Domain upon which the parameter is defined. Must be consistent with mesh.
time_dependency_type::unique_ptr time_dependency_
 Object which handles if relevant the time dependency (computation of the time related factor, etc...).

Special members.

 FiberList (FiberListNS::unique_id unique_id, const FilesystemNS::File &fiber_file, const Domain &domain, const FEltSpace &felt_space, const TimeManagerT &time_manager, const Unknown &unknown)
 ~FiberList () override=default
 FiberList (const FiberList &rhs)=delete
 The copy constructor.
 FiberList (FiberList &&rhs)=delete
 The move constructor.
FiberListoperator= (const FiberList &rhs)=delete
 The (copy) operator=.
FiberListoperator= (FiberList &&rhs)=delete
 The (move) operator=.

Detailed Description

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
class MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >

Read from an Ensight file values given at dofs and interpret then in term of a Parameter object.

It is assumed here a P1 mesh is considered!
Template Parameters
PolicyTWhether the fiber file was defined at the nodes of the mesh or at the quadrature points.
TypeTWhether a scalar or vectorial parameter is to be considered.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ self

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
using MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::self = FiberList<FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT>

Alias to the type of the class.

◆ local_coords_type

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
using MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::local_coords_type = QuadraturePoint

Convenient alias to decide where a Parameter is computed.

Parameters are by construct objects that are evaluated at a local position in a given GeometricElt. Depending on the exact type of the Parameter, the local position might be given by either a LocalCoords or a QuadraturePoint (the latter being a child of the former).

◆ storage_type

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
using MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::storage_type
Initial value:

Alias to the type of the value actually stored.

Key is the unique identifier of a GeometricElement. Index of the vector is the quadrature point unique id.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FiberList() [1/3]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::FiberList ( FiberListNS::unique_id unique_id,
const FilesystemNS::File & fiber_file,
const Domain & domain,
const FEltSpace & felt_space,
const TimeManagerT & time_manager,
const Unknown & unknown )


[in]unique_idUnique id of the FilberList as read in the input file.
[in]fiber_fileFile at the Ensight format which will be interpreted. Its format is specified by Ensight specifications; typically scalar files get a 'scl' extension and their first line is 'Scalar per node' whereas vectorial get a 'vct' extension and first line is 'Vector per node'.
[in]domainDomain upon which the Parameter is defined; this Domain MUST be associated with a Mesh (more often than not domain encompasses all the Coords of its associated Mesh). The reason it is a Domain and not a Mesh is that in some cases (fibers for instance) we might want to define it only on a subset of a Mesh.
[in]felt_spaceFinite element space upon which the Parameter should be defined.
[in]unknownA scalar or vectorial unknown that acts a bit as a strawman: dofs are defined only in relationship to an unknown, so you must create one if none fulfill your purposes (for instance if you deal with a vectorial unknown and need a scalar Dof field, you must create another unknown only for the Parameter. To save space, it's better if this unknown is in its own numbering subset, but this is not mandatory. Unknown should be scalar for TypeT == ParameterNS::Type::scalar and vectorial for TypeT == ParameterNS::Type::vectorial.
[in,out]time_managerObject in charge of keeping track of the time-related information.

◆ FiberList() [2/3]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::FiberList ( const FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > & rhs)

The copy constructor.

[in]rhsThe object from which the construction occurs.

◆ FiberList() [3/3]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::FiberList ( FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > && rhs)

The move constructor.

[in]rhsThe object from which the construction occurs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
FiberList & MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::operator= ( const FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > & rhs)

The (copy) operator=.

[in]rhsThe object from which the affectation occurs.
Reference to the object (to enable chained affectation).

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
FiberList & MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::operator= ( FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > && rhs)

The (move) operator=.

[in]rhsThe object from which the affectation occurs.
Reference to the object (to enable chained affectation).

◆ Initialize()

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
void MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::Initialize ( const QuadratureRulePerTopology *const quadrature_rule_per_topology = nullptr)

Initialize by converting into a ParameterAtQuadraturePoint.

[in]quadrature_rule_per_topologyIf specified, the quadrature rule to use for each topology. If nullptr, just take the choices stored in the FEltSpace.

◆ IsConstant()

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
bool MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::IsConstant ( ) const

Whether the parameter is constant spatially (False for this one).

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ SupplGetConstantValue()

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
virtual return_type MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::SupplGetConstantValue ( ) const

Returns the constant value (if the parameters is constant).

If the Parameter gets a time dependency (which is of the form f(x) * g(t)), current method returns only f(x). This method is expected to be called only in GetConstantValue() method, which adds up the g(t) contribution

This choice also makes us respect a C++ idiom that recommends avoiding virtual public methods.

Constant value of the Parameter. If the Parameter is not constant, this method should never be called.

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ SupplGetValue()

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
virtual return_type MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::SupplGetValue ( const local_coords_type & quad_pt,
const GeometricElt & geom_elt ) const

Get the (spatially-only) value of the parameter at a given local position in a given geom_elt.

If the Parameter gets a time dependency (which is of the form f(x) * g(t)), current method returns only f(x). This method is expected to be called only in GetValue() method, which adds up the g(t) contribution

This choice also makes us respect a C++ idiom that recommends avoiding virtual public methods.

[in]geom_eltGeometricElt inside which the value is computed.
Value of the parameter.
[in]quad_ptQuadraturePoint at which the value is computed.

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ SupplGetAnyValue()

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
virtual return_type MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::SupplGetAnyValue ( ) const

Returns a stored value (Any: the point is actually to assert its type for some functions overload).

[internal] The point here is not the value itself, but the information that might be retrieved from it, such as number of rows and columns if TypeT == Type::matrix.

Any value of the relevant type for the Parameter.

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ SupplWrite()

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
virtual void MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::SupplWrite ( std::ostream & stream) const

Write the content of the Parameter in a stream.

[in,out]streamStream upon which object information are written.

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ SupplTimeUpdate() [1/2]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
virtual void MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::SupplTimeUpdate ( )

Add here any additional TimeUpdate that might be relevant.

For instance, if a Parameter depends on other parameters, you must make sure those are correctly updated, and possibly some internals might have to be recomputed.

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ SupplTimeUpdate() [2/2]

template<FiberNS::AtNodeOrAtQuadPt FiberPolicyT, ParameterNS::Type TypeT, TIME_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD TimeManagerT>
virtual void MoReFEM::FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT >::SupplTimeUpdate ( double time)

Add here any additional TimeUpdate that might be relevant.

For instance, if a Parameter depends on other parameters, you must make sure those are correctly updated, and possibly some internals might have to be recomputed.

One should prefer to use the default one if one wants to use the current time. Extra security to verify the synchro of the parameter to the current time is done in he default one. This method is for particular cases only when the user knows exactly what is he doing.

[in]timeTime for the update.

Implements MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint, TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >.

◆ GetUniqueId()

FiberListNS::unique_id MoReFEM::Crtp::UniqueId< FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > , FiberListNS::unique_id , AssignationModeT, UniqueIdNS::DoAllowNoId::no >::GetUniqueId ( ) const

Get the value of the internal unique ID.

Unique id.

◆ GenerateNewEligibleId()

static FiberListNS::unique_id MoReFEM::Crtp::UniqueId< FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > , FiberListNS::unique_id , AssignationModeT, UniqueIdNS::DoAllowNoId::no >::GenerateNewEligibleId ( )

Generate a unique id.

No new objects is created, and the new identifier is not counted in the list - the purpose here is just to provide a value that don't collide with existing objects. This is really used in a very edge case; think twice before using this functionality as it really might not be what you really seek.

A unique id that is not in use yet.

◆ ClearUniqueIdList()

static void MoReFEM::Crtp::UniqueId< FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > , FiberListNS::unique_id , AssignationModeT, UniqueIdNS::DoAllowNoId::no >::ClearUniqueIdList ( )

Clear all unique ids.

This functionality has been put there only for the sake of writing tests; please do not use it! It should be considered as private, even if unfortunately I can't easily put it that way.

◆ AssignUniqueId()

static FiberListNS::unique_id MoReFEM::Crtp::UniqueId< FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > , FiberListNS::unique_id , AssignationModeT, UniqueIdNS::DoAllowNoId::no >::AssignUniqueId ( )

If AssignationMode is automatic, generates a new unique identifier.

The new unique id, which is just an increment from the previously assigned one.

◆ NewUniqueId()

static FiberListNS::unique_id MoReFEM::Crtp::UniqueId< FiberList< FiberPolicyT, TypeT, TimeManagerT > , FiberListNS::unique_id , AssignationModeT, UniqueIdNS::DoAllowNoId::no >::NewUniqueId ( FiberListNS::unique_id new_unique_id)

If AssignationMode is manual, checks the unique identifier provided is valid.

[in]new_unique_idThe proposed new unique id. If it already exists an exception will be thrown.
The unmodified unique id.

◆ TimeUpdate()

virtual void MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::TimeUpdate ( double time)

Apply the time dependency if relevant.

One should prefer to use the default one if one wants to use the current time. Extra security to verify the synchro of the parameter to the current time is done in he default one. This method is for particular cases only when the user knows exactly what is he doing.

[in]timeTime for the update.

◆ SetTimeDependency()

void MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::SetTimeDependency ( typename time_dependency_type::unique_ptr && time_dependency)

Set the time dependency functor.

This is relevant only for TimeDependencyT != TimeDependencyNS::None.

[in]time_dependencyUnique pointer to the time dependency object to set.

◆ GetValue()

return_type MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::GetValue ( const QuadraturePoint & local_coords,
const GeometricElt & geom_elt ) const

Get the value of the parameter at a given local position in a given geom_elt.

[internal] This method is actually called when IsConstant() yields false; if true GetConstantValue() is called instead.

[in]local_coordsLocal object at which the Parameter is evaluated.
[in]geom_eltGeometricElt inside which the value is computed.
Value of the parameter.

◆ GetConstantValue()

return_type MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::GetConstantValue ( ) const

Returns the constant value (if the parameter is constant).

If not constant, an assert is raised (in debug mode).

Constant value of the parameter.

◆ SetConstantValue()

virtual void MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::SetConstantValue ( value_type value)
pure virtualinherited

Enables to modify the constant value of a parameter.

[in]valueValue to modify the constant value with.

◆ Write() [1/2]

void MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::Write ( std::ostream & stream) const

Write the content of the Parameter in a stream.

In first draft the output format is up to the policy (maybe later we may prefer to write at all quadrature points for all cases); the exact content is indeed defined in the virtual method SupplWrite(), to be defined in each inherited classes.

[in,out]streamStream upon which object information are written.

◆ Write() [2/2]

void MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::Write ( const FilesystemNS::File & filename) const

Write the content of the Parameter in a file.

This method calls the namesake method that writes on a stream.

[in]filenamePath to the file in which value will be written. The path must be valid (all directories must exist) and if a namesake already exists it is overwritten.

◆ GetTimeDependency()

const time_dependency_type & MoReFEM::Parameter< TypeT, QuadraturePoint , TimeManagerT, ParameterNS::TimeDependencyNS::None >::GetTimeDependency ( ) const

Constant accessor to the object which handles if relevant the time dependency (computation of the time related factor, etc...).

Shouldn't be called very often...

Time dependency object.

Field Documentation

◆ time_dependency_

Object which handles if relevant the time dependency (computation of the time related factor, etc...).

May remain nullptr if the policy is there is no time dependency.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: